Saturday 16 October 2010

Aldo Leopold

Explain Aldo Leopold’s ecological view of morality?
According to Leopold, morality is a limitation on the sphere of physically possible action in the struggle for existence. Morality is a natural phenomena which evolves along with social structures. The sphere of moral consideration has expanded dramatically during the course of human history; we should now think about expanding it even further, to include many animate and even non-animate aspects of nature. Leopold does not advocate a loony 'equality' principle, merely a recognition of duties towards the environment. But 'Our duties to the land demand we take care of its interests'.
Core principle:
'“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community, it is wrong when it tends otherwise”

What does it mean to “think like a mountain”?
This is a simile to represent the idea of thinking holistically, about ecosystems rather than individuals. To think in terms of the manifold perspectives of all the individuals that make up the system, and to think of the system as a whole.

How does the land ethic envisage a change in the role of man?
To develop an emotional and spiritual relationship to nature, one which allows us to value in manifold ways, not just economically. 'a land ethic changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member and citizen of it”(p.204). Man would develop a sense of responsibilty towards his surroundings.

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